The Keto Diet and Electrolytes

Electrolytes colorful word with stethoscope on the wooden background

A common trouble many new keto dieters may experience is an imbalance or lack of critical electrolytes. The body requires electrolytes to function, and these come in the form of potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

“Dehydration often accompanies electrolyte imbalances which can cause a range of ailments”

Ever notice in professional sporting events there is always a “Gatorade” cooler on the side line? Professional athletes who are working their bodies hard and sweating can quickly become dehydrated. Dehydration often accompanies electrolyte imbalances which can cause a range of ailments from headache, dizziness, nausea, and in the most extreme cases death. Sports drinks such as Gatorade is packed with potassium, magnesium, and sodium to help keep electrolytes in check.

Shedding Water

One of the first things that happens during a keto diet is the body will start to drop water weight and continue to retain very little water. The reason this happens is while the body is starved of sugar and carbohydrates, it will use glycogen stores for energy. Glycogen binds with the water in your body and is quickly flushed from the system. This is why it’s so critically important to stay hydrated while on a keto diet.

Adding salt to the diet will help maintain your sodium levels

Keto Supplements

There are a few things you can do to supplement the magnesium, potassium, and sodium your body needs. First, unless you have a specific medical reason not to, add salt to your food. Adding salt to the diet will help maintain your sodium levels, and not only is it not bad to add salt, but it’s encouraged, especially at the onset of a keto diet.

“Nuts are also a great source for magnesium and potassium, but watch the carbs!”

Potassium is easier to find in potassium rich foods such as avocados (a great keto super food), and dark green vegetables (spinach is great). Nuts are also a great source for magnesium and potassium, but watch the carbs! Not all nuts are created equal. Generally, macadamia nuts have the least carbs (but are very expensive), next almonds are low carb and less expensive than macadamia nuts. Finally, peanuts are cheap, but have more carbs but measured can still be a part of the keto diet. Cashews are the worst for net carbs and should be avoided. Salmon is also a great source for potassium and keto friendly.

It’s important to note not everyone will have an issue with this. In my experience I did suffer some bouts of light headedness and random bouts of dizziness or headaches during my first few months. I also suffered leg cramps waking me up in the middle of the night which is a tell-tale sign of dehydration.

Many websites recommend purchasing potassium and magnesium supplements to ensure you are getting adequate nutrition. However, I found what worked great for me was a few chicken flavored bouillon cubes in hot water. It tastes just like chicken noodle soup broth and can be put in a water bottle.

Where to Find Electrolytes

Two cubes diluted with two cups of water will provide nearly 80mg of sodium, and over 20mg of potassium. Gatorade is 250mg of sodium and 65mg of potassium in 20oz bottle. There are some sugar-free alternatives like Powerade Zero, which is also 250mg /60mg sodium and potassium respectively.

For comparison a single avocado has over 700mg of potassium.

Anytime I would start to feel a little lightheaded or if I woke up with leg cramps I would pound back my broth mix and typically start to feel better within an hour. Ultimately, I made it a mission to maintain good hydration to avoid any symptoms from the get go.

Can you drink too much water?

It’s also important to remember drinking water alone does not fulfill the need for potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

Yes. In short, it is possible (although very rare) to drink so much water you can die. This would have to be an excessive amount of water guzzled compulsively for a prolonged period. With that said, drinking a gallon of water throughout the day should be a goal. That is eight 16oz (medium size water bottle) servings each day. When paced out throughout the day it’s not nearly as crazy as it seems.

It’s also important to remember drinking water alone does not fulfill the need for potassium, magnesium, and sodium. It’s important to eat foods rich in these ingredients to help you’re your body balanced.

Finding Balance

The human body is pretty adaptable to just about anything. After a few weeks or few months things should generally normalize. The reactions to a carb-free lifestyle should start to reduce and eventually disappear.

My need for water or a lack of water and subsequent cramping has long since passed. The first time having a few drinks in a keto state left me with a big surprise when I woke up the next morning , and I’ll save that story for another post, but just know alcohol can wreak havoc while your body is adapting to this new lifestyle!

Everyone is different, and it’s encouraged to take our experiences with a grain of salt. Everyone’s body is different, and everyone may react differently. Perhaps you won’t experience any of these things, or perhaps you’ll experience them worse. However, it can’t hurt to stay well hydrated and keep some salty drinks in tow just in case, especially if you plan to exercise during this time.